Volleyball Standings

Summer Co-ed Grass Volleyball at Oregon Park Thursdays


  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   John Blockovic - Indy #V28 6 0 0 12 3
  so spandextra
6 0 0 12 4
  so so spandextra
5 1 0 10 6
  Parks and Wreck
4 2 0 8 7
5   Spike Lee’s 4 2 0 8 8
6   Cuties 3 3 0 6 7
3 3 0 6 8
8   Cuties 2.0 3 3 0 6 9
9   Bump, Set, Shots! 2 4 0 4 10
10   Varsity 2 4 0 4 10
11   Brickyard Blockers 2 4 0 4 11
12   Pain in the Ace 2 4 0 4 12
13   Summer Sets 0 6 0 0 15
14   Hemavology 0 6 0 0 16
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.