Thursday, April 25th: All Softball games are rained out for tonight.

About Underdog Bowling







Bowling is fun - that much is clear. You don't even have to be a Lebowski or King Pin fan to realize it. What is unclear is why bowling leagues never live up to the game's potential. We here at Big Turkey Bowling have the solution, or rather, solutions to the 'bowling league problem'
  • Co rec 6's Format - 3 Guys / 3 Women per team. Your team score will include the top 2 of each gender.
  • 6 Week Season (who wants to bowl 32 weeks in a row?)
  • Super Cool Prizes (yep, that's the turkey part)
  • Goofy Theme Nights
  • Included Items (Shoes, Prizes and Super Friendly Supervisor) 
What's really great about Underdog Bowling is that we're committed to the idea that it's ok to be just ok.  Seriously, if you're looking for that perfect game, this is probably not your cup-o-tea.  Although, if you are looking to goof off once a week and meet a whole bunch of really awesome people who'll cheer you on and who you'll cheer on while one or more of you are dressed like it was halloween - you're in the right spot.
  • 3 women/3 men bowling per game
  • Teams with more than 6 players may swap new bowlers in for game 2, but not in the middle of either game
  • 2 best male and 2 best female scores count each game - the rest are dropped
  • Teams may bowl down a player at 3 and 2 or down two players (2 women/2 men)
  • Scoring Cap on any game of 205... this ain't the PBA (No-tap games are not included)
  • Two games per night - no handicaps are used. Match play rules (swapping lanes)


Can I have more than 6 people on my team? Or what if I am missing someone one week?
You can have up to 10 people on your roster, however only 6 people can bowl at once per game, and no substitutions are allowed during the game. You can substitute in between game #1 and game #2 but once you start, that is your set line-up for the game. Since the bottom 2 scores from each game are dropped, you are allowed to bowl down one or 2 players (2 guy / 2 gal minimum) however anything below that is a forfeit.
What about prizes?

There are two types of prizes: Skill Prizes and Spirit Prizes 

Skill Prizes Include: Championship Team, Team achievements and Individual Achievements

Spirit Prizes Include: Rad costumes, loud cheering, super-fly hi-5 routine and amassing the most "Spirit Tickets" in a season.  Don't worry, we'll explain on the lanes.


Anything else I need to know?
Theme nights are for rocking amusing threads...  (Big Hat night, 70's night, Nerd Night) so be sure to check the league schedule. Week #6 is a 9-pin no Tap night for teams that do not qualify for the playoff round.