Brown Chicken...Brown Cow!!!
Red Rubber Showdown 9 - Kickball Tournament
3 Players in Common
Balls In!
Fall Co-ed Softball at Montavilla Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
Black Balled
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Portland State Sundays
3 Players in Common
All My Subs
Fall Co-ed Softball at Irving Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
What's in the Box?
Summer Softcore Kickball at Peninsula Park Tuesdays
6 Players in Common
Red Rubber Showdown 8 - Kickball Tournament
3 Players in Common
Black Balled
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Portland State Sunday
3 Players in Common
Summer Softcore/Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Peninsula Park Sunday
3 Players in Common
Spring Co-ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sunday
5 Players in Common
What's in the box?
Summer Softcore Co-ed Kickball at Peninsula Park - Mon/Wed
3 Players in Common
Sex Vag 2: Sexually Vaguer
Red Rubber Showdown 6 - Kickball Tournament
3 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Red Rubber Showdown 6 - Kickball Tournament
4 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Summer Midcore Co-Ed Kickball at Peninsula Park Sundays
5 Players in Common
Spring Funcore Co-Ed Kickball at King School Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Spring Midcore Co-Ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
6 Players in Common
Sexually Vague
Fall Midcore Co-Ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Fall Midcore Co-Ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
5 Players in Common
Summer Softcore/Rookie Co-ed Kickball at Peninsula Park Mon/Wed
5 Players in Common
Sexually Vague
2012 Red Rubber Showdown 5 - Kickball Tournament
6 Players in Common
All My Subs
Summer Co-Ed Softball at Irving Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
Happy Birthday!!
2012 Red Rubber Showdown 5 - Kickball Tournament
4 Players in Common
Happy Birthday!!
Summer Softcore/Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Peninsula Park TU/TH
4 Players in Common
Sexually Vague
Summer Midcore Co-Ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
5 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Summer Midcore Co-Ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
7 Players in Common
Sexually Vague
Spring Midcore Co-Ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
5 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Spring Midcore Co-Ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
8 Players in Common
Man Punts
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Delta Park Thursdays
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Happy Birthday!!
Winter Co-ed Sunday Kickball on Turf at Cleveland HS
4 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Fall Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
9 Players in Common
The Flavor Savers
Fall Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Red Rubber Showdown 4 - Kickball Tournament
12 Players in Common
Happy Birthday!!
Summer Midcore Kickball at Col Summers Park. Mon/Wed
4 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Summer Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
10 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Summer Midcore Kickball at Alberta Park Tuesdays
9 Players in Common
The Flavor Savers
Summer Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Man Punts
Winter Co-Ed Flag Football Thursdays at Strasser Field on Turf
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Spring Midcore Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
10 Players in Common
Your Mom
Spring Midcore Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
The Flavor Savers
Spring Midcore Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Winter Co-ed Sunday Kickball on Turf at Cleveland HS
10 Players in Common
Rain Bowl 3
3 Players in Common
Your Mom
Fall Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Fall Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
10 Players in Common
Mama Said Knock You Out
Late Summer Co-ed Dodgeball at Jefferson Highschool
3 Players in Common
Drank Epidemic
Fall Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
The Flavor Savers
Fall Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Spaceballs: The kickball team
Fall Midcore Co-ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Summer Midcore Co-Ed Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
9 Players in Common
Happy Birthday!!
Red Rubber Showdown #3
4 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Spring Co-ed Midcore Kickball at Unthank Park Sundays
9 Players in Common
Sparkle Motion
Winter Co-Ed Kickball at Cleveland High School on Turf Sundays
4 Players in Common
Sandy Crevices
Late Summer Co-ed Sand Volleyball Thursday at Woksup
3 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Fall Co-ed Midcore Kickball at Unthank Park
5 Players in Common
Red Rubber Showdown 2
6 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Summer Co-ed Midcore Kickball Sundays at Unthank Park
5 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Spring Co-ed Kickball Sunday Afternoons at Unthank Park
4 Players in Common
Team Sparkle Motion
Winter Co-ed Kickball Sunday Afternoons at Cleveland High School
3 Players in Common
Clockwork Orange
Fall Co-ed Midcore Kickball at Unthank Park Sunday Afternoons/Eve
3 Players in Common